Trent Hunter writes: We’re supposed to flee from things that can kill us. Active volcanoes, oncoming traffic, and snakes come to mind. So should sexual immorality.
(Sermon audio not currently available) A person of integrity spends money according to the pattern God gives us in the Bible.
Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon Sunday, July 9, 2017
Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon Sunday, July 2, 2017
A Christian who doesn’t really understand God’s gift of time will never really become the man or woman of integrity that God wants him or her to be. Let’s think about our use of time…
God is developing men and women of integrity. People of integrity deal with the sins and failings. Here is how not to do it: A. The Blame Game. “It’s his fault.” (Genesis 3) B. The Rationalization Station. “He did so I did.” (Genesis 34) C. The Boom Phenomenon. “It just happened.” (Exodus 32) D. The […]
God is developing men and women of integrity. They are upright, blameless, and sound. But what does that all mean? And is it possible for me to be a person of integrity? We consider this today. Uprightness (Job 2:3) Blamelessness (Psalm 26:1) Soundness (Matthew 22:16) Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon June 4, 2017
Memorial Day is a day of remembering. We recall to mind those who make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives to defend our nation’s freedoms. Thank you so very much!