HSBC Announcements for Sunday, February 9, 2025

Proverbs Bible Studies
No Proverbs study Sunday night, Feb. 9th, our class will resume the following Sunday. Due to circumstances, the Proverbs study will no longer meet on Tuesday mornings.

Council Meeting
Wednesday, Feb 12th at 7:00 pm

Love Luncheon
Postponed until next Sunday, February 16th following the morning service. The Social Committee will be providing the meal. A sign-up sheet is on the desk in the foyer.

Baby Bottle Campaign
Ends Sunday, Feb 9th. You transform and save lives by filling a baby bottle with coins, cash or check. If you would like to write a check for the baby bottle campaign, please make payable to Mosaic and place it inside the bottle. You may return your bottle by placing it in the designated box at the front of the sanctuary on the platform. Thank you for supporting this important ministry and for supporting LIFE! Please return all bottles (empty or filled) Sunday, Feb 9th.