I’m Afraid… Saul

King Saul was afraid that he was going to lose what he had. David trusted God with what God had given him and did not worry that he might lose it all.

Saul had…
1. Daily fear (1 Sam. 18:12, 15, 28-29)
2. Disapproving conscience (1 Sam. 24:16-17, 26:21)
3. Damaged relationships with family (1 Sam. 20:30-33, 18:28-29, 19:17)
4. Deprived people/government of a successful officer (1 Sam. 18:5)
5. Disallowed the ministry that calmed him (1 Sam. 18:13)
6. Disobeyed the 6th commandment (1 Sam. 22:18-19)
7. Dissipated a lot of time (1 Sam. 23:14)
8. Directionless policy (1 Sam. 23:27)

Our lesson: When I am afraid of loss, I must surrender my situation to the Lord and trust in Him.

Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon
Sunday, February 4, 2018