His Eternal Care

I care about you and WILL meet your needs. -Jesus God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit has been busy since creation meeting our needs. Genesis 16:13 (Hagar and Sarai), Exodus 3:7 (Moses hears that God has seen their affliction), 1 Kings 19:3-9 (God knew about Elijah’s needs), Luke 7:13 (Jesus’ heart went […]

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His Eternal Friendship

Friendship request… from Jesus! The Bible is clear throughout the Old and New Testaments that God desires to have a relationship with us, and ultimately be friends. Would you accept God’s friend request today? Genesis 3:8, Genesis 18, Matt. 9:10-11, Luke 22:15, John 6, 1 Corinthians 1:9 Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon Sunday, December 9, […]

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The Lord’s Table, communion, the eucharist, becomes a time of remembering the passover and the exodus from Egypt… and then ultimately Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Today we look at how Jesus introduced the new covenant to us (1 Cor. 11:23-34). -It’s a memorial -It’s a tribute -It’s a proclamation (v.26) -It’s participation (1 For. 10:16) […]

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Beautiful Savior – John 8

Jesus is an amazing person! The story of the woman taken in adultery shows us four things about Him. Consider these things… His humility (7:53-8:2) His wisdom (8:3-8) His conviction (8:8-9) His forgiveness (8:10-11) The God who knows everything about you loves you, and is willing to forgive everything. Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon Sunday, […]

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Give Thanks – Psalm 136

Make a list of the things that you can give thanks for as we study Psalm 136. -God is over all (v.2) -God is the creator (v.4-9) -God makes the way the way out (v.10) the way through (v.10-20) the way in (v21-22) -God meets our needs when we’re low (v.23) when enemies trap us […]

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The Good Shepherd

Jesus said, “I AM the Good Shepherd.” What does that mean and how does he care for His sheep? Listen how Jesus cares for me, His sheep from John 10. – Jesus provides salvation (v. 7-10) – He provides satisfaction (v. 9-10) – Jesus sacrifices all (v. 11) – He has a special relationship with […]

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Last Day Dangers – Part 4

We are in danger as Christianswhe. We are not ready for Jesus’ return. Let’s think through concepts from Romans 13:11-14. -Near (v. 11) -New day (a day of a different nature, v. 12) -Get ready (be alert, be prepared, v. 13-14) Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon Sunday, November 4, 2018

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Last Day Dangers – Part 3

A grave danger for Christians in the last days before Jesus comes is worldliness. Worldliness is when our lives look and act more like the world than like Jesus. Lot’s life teaches us about conforming to the world. Why did Jesus die on the cross? Titus 2:13-14 List the signs of conformity to the world. […]

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Last Day Dangers – Part 2

The Laodicean church (Revelation 3:14-20) expresses one of the end time dangers for the people in the church. What were the three areas in which the Laodicean church was proud? Their riches, their clothes, their seeing-astuteness (v17). What were the problems of the Laodicean church that they didn’t understand? They were spiritually poor (Deut. 8), […]

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Last Day Dangers – Part 1

The Bible warns that in the days before Jesus comes, certain specific signs will occur.  These will also serve as warnings for Christians so that when these things begin growing in our culture, Christians will not become a part of them.  Our first warning is in 2 Timothy 4:2-4. Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon Sunday, […]

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