Meet Jesus? Everything Changes?

Ephesians 2 is filled with the good news of what Jesus did for me. Ephesians 2:1-10 A. I was DEAD but God made me ALIVE with Christ (1, 5) B. I was DISOBEDIENT but God elevated me to a new kind of life (2, 6) C. I was DOOMED but God enthroned me with Christ […]

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Mighty Prayers

Ephesians 1: 15-21 Paul, the Apostle: A Dynamic Pray…er! Paul prayed for people to know an amazing person… God. He prayed that others would know God better. The Context of Paul’s Prayers -Three Spiritual Blessings 1. Your Hope – of Salvation – of Glory – of Eternal Life 2. Your Value – part of God’s […]

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So Blessed in Christ

Ephesians 1:3-8 God loves to bless his people! (Ps. 35:27, Ps. 40:5) He enjoys it! -He has already blessed us (v3), Col. 2:9, He has already given us everything we need… EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ. -God has chosen us, we get to be Christ’s bride. It was a well-thought out plan. We are adopted […]

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Samson !?! Lessons Learned – Part 2

Judges 16 Samson’s life teaches us lots of lessons. Review Part 1 1. Don’t sleep in enemy territory. Stay alert. Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. (Rom. 15:4) Continuing with Part 2 2. God always gets the last laugh. He always wins. (Judges 16, 1 Samuel 5, 2 Kings […]

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Samson !?! Lessons Learned – Part 1

Judges 16 Samson’s life teaches us lots of lessons. 1. Don’t sleep in enemy territory. Stay alert. Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. (Rom. 15:4) 2. God always gets the last laugh. He always wins. (Judges 16, 1 Samuel 5, 2 Kings 18, 19) 3. God’s mercy is great! […]

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The Paradox of Samson’s Life

Judges 13:1-15:20 How can someone so chosen and set apart for God become what Samson became and end up where Samson ended up? Was Samson really committed to the Lord? God could not use him more than He did because Samson’s choices and heart limited what God could do. What could he have done if […]

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Samson!? Morally Foolish and Reckless

We can learn three relationship lessons from Samson’s life. (Judges 16) -Believers should marry believers. (2 Cor. 6:14) God sits on the throne of both husband and wife. Submit and love one another (Eph. 5) What are God’s reasons for marrying a believer to a believer? 1. Your heart may turn away from God (Deut. […]

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Samson!? An Object Lesson

We continue in Judges 13 with the story of Samson. Samson compromised throughout his life and had to deal with the consequences of his actions. Compromise is changing the question to fit the answer. A compromising Church… …preaches a less than Biblical Jesus …alter God’s Word to make it less offensive …bends the Biblical standard […]

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How God Makes a Person Strong

Today we look at Judges 13. The Israelites were… -politically weak -spiritually weak -physically week -God gives Samson godly parents -God gives His Holy Spirit, through obedience (v4-5, Deut. 11:8), through prayer (Judges 16:28) God wants to make us strong with His kind of strength, so that we might accomplish His eternal purpose. (2 Cor. […]

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