Daniel on Nebuchadnezzar’s Hot Seat

Daniel, still very young, faces a challenge far beyond his years. (Dan. 2)

We might ask this question as we face hard times… Why does God permit trouble to come into my life? (1 Peter 2:6-8)

In the crisis situation of Daniel chapter 2, Daniel kept his composure. He continued to trust God. (v. 14-16). Review Psalm 91.

Daniel drew on his resources (v. 17-18), friends and prayer.

Daniel remained humble. He receives the meaning of the dreams and he responds with praise to God (v. 19-23). And he gives God the credit! (v. 27-28)

The results of trusting God:
A. Confidence and courage (v. 45b)
B. Spiritual understanding (v. 28b-45)
C. Honor and respect for himself (v. 46)
D. Honor and respect for God (v. 47)
E. Greater opportunity (v. 48-49)

Sermon by Pastor Rob Lemon
Sunday, May 12, 2018